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Travel & Resources: INDONESIA

Please help us keep these listings current and correct. Special thanks to Joejoe, George, Kenneth, cyrc_84, bbox, OscarO, potato_spicy, jonathai, salpepe, Trevelly, Medanmale, rachman414, riverrobles, islandlove, shatim, gedonk_medan, nando, mclemak, Ming, Jeffrey T, Bobat30s, JT, Didier C., Thomas, Christian K., G., Martin, Daniel, Ray, Rendi, Felix, Pogi, Santo, Jaya, Steve W., Dady, David, Mike M., Dewa, Bill R., Purba, Detrit, Brad O., Ralf, A. Lee, Candice S., James, Simon B., Dean, Dede, Eric, Doug, Roger, Ian, Hendry, Luther, Philip J. and Brad for updates!

Advisory: The Indonesian parliament passed a new criminal code on Dec 6, 2022, containing provisions that seriously violate the rights of women, religious minorities, and LGBT. The clause making consensual sex outside of marriage illegal, a first in Indonesia's history, would effectively render same-sex sexual conduct illegal (given that same-sex couples are not allowed to marry) if signed into law by Indonesia's President (as is expected). -- Human Rights Watch

Traditionally, various kinds of sexualities have been an integral part of Indonesia's cultural mosaic. Many married men and women may also maintain same-sex relationships. Indonesia's first Gay Pride celebration took place in Surabaya, on June 25, 1999. In the last few decades, anti-LGBTQ+ actions have risen, including the investigation of hotels and public raids of events.

In mid-2012, Indonesian ISPs began blocking websites with gay content. If you want to access your favorite websites and apps while in Indonesia, research work-arounds before you arrive.

Indonesia Listings by City or Island:


Other cities and provinces are listed below...

General Information

    Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous nation and the largest Muslim-majority country on the planet. But the islands that make up Indonesia are hardly homogenous, reflecting not only an astounding repository of natural diversity, but also rich threads of cultural and religious traditions woven into its social tapestry.

    Economically emerging, and rather slowly at that, Indonesia is shockingly cheap. While the low value of the rupiah contributes to the country’s many social and political challenges, it’s great news for travelers.

    If you ever wanted to feel like one of the grand old explorers of the past, there are plenty of world wonders here within easy access; from the astounding cosmic pyramid of Borobudur in Yogyakarta, to the Hindu enclave of artists that is the island of Bali.

    The population of Indonesia is over 275 million (that's more than 11 million Utopians). Indonesia's large number of long established queer social organizations and activists stands in contrast to the relative lack of visible social spaces by and for gays and lesbians. Ask your local friends for the most current social scene info as much has changed following Covid and listings here without our Verified date stamp may no longer be accurate.

  • Indonesia Gay & Lesbian News Archive

Articles and Publications

      Jln Mojo Kidul I/11A, Surabaya 60285
      (62-31) 591-4668, email

      Indonesia's long-running GLBT magazine.


Travel Services

  • Magellan Resorts UTOPIA VERIFIED AUG 2024
      Jln Karangsari No 88, Sanur, Bali
      (62-361) 271-484, FAX 286-087

      Gay-managed and friendly luxury villas and resorts in Bali, Lombok and Java. Magellan Resorts hand-selects accommodations to anticipate the individual requirements of international travelers. Balance your body, mind and spirit to ensure that your vacations are superior in every sense.
      Add your review, comment, or correction

  • Seth Tailored Trip Guide


Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Balikpapan is about 500,000 (that's 20,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs

Meeting Places


Banda Aceh (Aceh)


Bandar Lampung (Lampung Province)

General Information

    The population of Bandar Lampung is about 800,000 (that's 32,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs

Meeting Places

Bandung (Jawa Barat Province) -- area code +62-22

General Information

    The population of Bandung is about 2 million people (that's 80,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots


    • Amnesia UTOPIAN VERIFIED DEC 2013
        Paskal Hyper Square

        It might seem like a gay club, since the vast majority of customers are men. However, most guys come here just to drink and dance and they're not gay -- even though they may be physical with their male friends (just part of Indonesian friendly culture). That said, there are still a lot of local gays, most of whom come in groups: some attached, some single. Very few westerners, so be prepared to be 'hit on' by straight guys who just want to know where you're from and maybe dance. It is still possible to meet (and pick up) like-minded guys, though. On Sat nights, things start picking up after midnight, really getting going close to 1am, and start quieting down around 4am.
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    • Mansion

Fitness and Gyms

Massage and Spas

    • Seven Kings Spa
        Next to 22A Jln Aceh

        The building is shared with Selaras Spa, which seems to be a bona-fide beauty spa for ladies. There are separate entrances, but only the one for Selaras Spa in the left is clearly marked. Seven Kings has a lit sign which is only visible after dark. At the entrance, there is a counter where you can choose from a menu. You can choose the masseurs from a photo album. The staff speak simple English. Rooms are spacious, but need a good cleaning. If that's a turn off for you, consider using a hotel room instead. Ask if you want a more experienced masseur. Open until 11pm.
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    • Tasik Panti Pijat Tunanetra

Meeting Places

Restaurants and Cafes

Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan Province)

General Information

    The population of Banjarmasin is 600,000 (that's 24,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots


Banyuwangi (East Java)

Popular Spots

Restaurants and Cafes

Batam (Riau Kepulauan Province)

General Information

    The population of Batam is 160,000 (that's over 6,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs and  Cabarets

    • Pacific Discotheque

        Located in the Batu Ampar/Jodoh area at the hotel they call "Titanic" (the hotel is shaped like a big cruise ship), just in front of Melia Panorama. Young crowd. Many Singaporeans and Malaysians also.
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    • Planet Ozone Discotheque

Meeting Places


General Information

    The population of Bengkulu is 260,000 (that's over 10,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Bogor (Jawa Barat Province) -- area code +66-251

General Information

    The population of Bogor is about 600,000 (that's about 24,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots





Meeting Places

Restaurants and Cafes

Bukittinggi, West Sumatra (Sumatera Barat Province)

General Information

    The population of Bukittinggi is 100,000 (that's over 4,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Cianjur (Jawa Barat Province)

General Information

    The population of Cianjur is 150,000 (that's 6,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Gresik (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Gresik is 100,000 (that's 4,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places


Jayapura (Papua Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Jayapura is about 140,000 (that's about 6,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots


Meeting Places

Jember (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Jember is 270,000 (that's about 11,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Kediri (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Kediri is 300,000 (that's about 12,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots


Meeting Places

Kupang (Nusa Tenggara Timur)

General Information

    The population of Kupang is over 160,000 (that's 6,500 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs

Meeting Places

Lhokseumawe (Aceh)


LOMBOK, Senggigi -- area code +62-370

General Information

Travel Services Popular Spots


Bars and Clubs

    • Berry's Bar

    • Happy Cafe

    • New Marina Bar

        Great music (rock and blues), pool table upstairs and nice atmosphere. Cover charge. One of the best places to go at night in Senggigi. Open daily from 10pm. The local gay community usually move between here and Tropicana. Some nights, the clientele of each place can be up to 40% gay.
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Massage and Spas

Restaurants and Cafes

    • Bumbu Café (Thai cuisine)
        Jln Raya, Senggigi (approximately half way between New Marina and Tropicana)

        Easily identified by the large sign with a chili on it in front of the pavilion. Owner is gay as are a few of the staff, with the others being very gay friendly. Excellent food. Occasional drag shows on Fri nights.
        Add your review, comment, or correction

    • Cafe Pojok

    • de Quake (seafood)
        Art Market (Pasar Seni), Senggigi
        693-694, email

        Located on the beach, this gay-managed, open-air restaurant and lounge looks out onto the bay of Senggigi and offers stunning, unmatched sunset views. Relaxing in the afternoon or evening in their lounge area with your your favorite drink or specially prepared cocktail, or enjoy a romantic meal in serene tranquility with the sound of lapping seawaves. De Quake offers Asian and Indonesian seafood prepared by one of Lombok's premiere chefs, Edi Pono. Gay-managed.
        Utopia Member Benefit: 10% DISCOUNT.
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Madiun (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Madiun is 200,000 (that's 8,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Makassar / Ujung Pandang

Popular Spots



Meeting Places

Restaurants and Cafes

Malang (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Malang is 800,000 (that's 32,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs

Meeting Places

Manado (Sulawesi Utara Province)

General Information

    The population of Manado is 400,000 (that's over 16,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

MEDAN (Sumatera Utara Province) -- area code +62-61

General Information

    The population of Medan is nearing 3 million (that's about 120,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Bars and Clubs


Meeting Places

Restaurants and Cafes

Shops and Salons

MOJOKERTO (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Mojokerto is 120,000 (that's 5,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

PADANG (Sumatera Barat Province)

General Information

    The population of Padang is 120,000 (that's about 5,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Palembang (Sumatera Selatan Province)

General Information

    The population of Palembang is 1.5 million (that's 60,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots


Meeting Places

Pandaan (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Pandaan is 40,000 (that's 1,600 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places


General Information

    The population of Ciamis is about 70 thousand (that's about 3,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots


Pasuruan (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Pasuruan is 160,000 (that's 6,400 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Pekalongan (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Pekalongan is about 275,000 (that's about 11,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Pekanbaru (Riau Province)

General Information

    The population of Pekanbaru is over 500,000 (that's 20,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Ponorogo (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Ponorogo is over 80,000 (that's about 3,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Pontianak, West Borneo (Kalimantan Barat Province)

General Information

    The population of Pontianak is a half million (that's 20,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Rantepao (Sulawesi Seletan) -- area code +66-423

Travel Services

Popular Spots


    Click here for Rantepao hotels and accommodations.

Meeting Places

Salatiga (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Salatiga is 120,000 (that's about about 5,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Samarinda is about 500,000 (that's 20,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Semarang (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Semarang is 1.3 million (that's over 50,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur Province)

General Information

    The population of Sidoarjo is 100,000 (that's 4,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Situbondo (East Java)

General Information

    The population of Situbondo is over 600,000 (that's almost 25,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Solo / Surakarta (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Surakarta is 600,000 (that's 24,000 Utopians).


Popular Spots


Meeting Places

Restaurants and Cafes

Surabaya (Jawa Timur Province)

Tasikmalaya (Jawa Barat Province)

General Information

    The population of Tasikmalaya is 230,000 (that's almost 10,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places

Tegal (Jawa Tengah Province)

General Information

    The population of Tegal is 280,000 (that's over 11,000 Utopians).

Popular Spots

Meeting Places



Arthur & Paul, Phnom Penh's gay men-only resort
Phnom Pehn's gay men-only boutique hotel, spa, pool and restaurant...

QUNCI VILLAS on the tropical island of Lombak
QUNCI VILLAS, a gay-friendly, gay-managed tropical resort on the heavenly island of Lombak, just next to Bali...

Bangkok Pride 2023

At Bangkok Pride (photo: Amp Puttipong)

Bangkok Pride 2023

At Bangkok Pride (photo: Siam Pride)

Bangkok Pride 2023

At Bangkok Pride (photo: Siam Pride)

Bangkok Pride 2023

At Bangkok Pride (photo: Siam Pride)

Tokyo Rainbow Pride

At Tokyo Rainbow Pride

Cambodia Pride

Dynamic duo at Cambodia Pride

Special photo exhibition by Mark Leighton!


Australia + Bhutan + Cambodia + China (including Hong Kong, Macau, Tibet) + East Timor + India + Indonesia + Japan + Korea + Laos
Malaysia + Mongolia + Myanmar/Burma + Nepal + Philippines + Singapore + Sri Lanka + Taiwan + Thailand + Vietnam

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